R. Zinko, P. Kazan, D. Khaustov, O. Bilyk
A small intelligence robot (SSR) is a special military intelligence means. It is used to obtain information about the enemy - the collection of intelligence, the search for targets and target indication, observation of the situation, etc.
The use of a small intelligence robot is assumed in various natural and climatic conditions: in temperate terrain, on soils with low bearing capacity, at low temperatures, in the desert, on sandy and marshy soils, on rocky soils, in elevated temperature and dustiness of air, and also in conditions highlands.
In the article an overview of modern developments of remotely controlled robotic military complexes, principles of their construction and perspective directions of development in the armed forces are reviewed.
The issues of robotization of existing weapons and military equipment are considered. Every sample of a SSR used in combat action must possess all combat characteristics at once in an optimal ratio between them, ensuring its maximum effectiveness. Ignoring any of the properties or enhancing one property at the expense of others will not enable the full realization of the small surveillance robot. It is reasonable to select the relevant properties at the design stage, using the possibilities of mathematical modeling. The set of tactical and technical characteristics of the SSR allowed forming this. Its characteristics determine the scope and possibilities of application.
The mathematical model of the SSR motion is written in the Matlab Simulink environment. Recorded mathematical model of SSR motion, formed single test cycle and input data allowed to conduct computer simulation of motion in possible conditions of operation of small surveillance robot. The single trial cycle presented contains a set of individual sites and reproduces the testing test cycle of a real polygon.
On the basis of the developed tactical and technical characteristics of the SSR, the experimental sample was made.
An example of the use of SSR for the intelligence of the settlement and at keeping the node of barriers has been provided. The efficiency of performing intelligence units’ tasks and reducing the risk of human losses are shown.
Small surveillance robot, design, mathematical modeling, combat use.
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