Editor-in-chief: SKACHKOV Valery – doctor of engineering sciences, professor , Odesa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality, Odesa Military academy, Odesa, Ukraine |
Deputy of editor-in-chief: KRAVCHUK Oleh – colonel, candidate of engineering sciences, senior staff scientist a depchief of academy from the advanced study is a chief of department, Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine |
Responsible secretary: POPOVIGH Viktoriya – Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
Technical secretary: RATYNSKA Inna – candidate of pedagogical sciences, Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine |
Members of editorial college |
DEMYANCHUK Boris – doctor of engineering sciences, associate professor, is a manager of department of the motor-vehicle providing, Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine |
KNAUB Lyudmila – doctor of engineering sciences, professor, departments of engineering mechanics, Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
ONISHCHENKO Oleg – doctor of engineering sciences, professor, departments of technical exploitation of fleet, Odesa national university, is the "Odesa marine academy", Ukraine |
– doctor of economic sciences, professor, manager of department of економіко-екологічних problems of seashore regions, Institute of market problems and economically - ecological researches (Odesa) of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine |
KUPINETS Larysa – doctor of economic sciences, professor, manager of department of економіко-екологічних problems of seashore regions, Institute of problems of market and економіко-екологічних researches (Odesa) of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine |
PETRYGHENKO Mykola – doctor of engineering sciences, professor, is Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
NYKUL Stanislav – candidate of engineering sciences, professor,, is Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
SZYMON Mitkow – doctor, is a professor, Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warsaw, Poland |
PAWLISIAK Mieczysław - doctor, is a professor, Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warsaw, Poland |
VANKEVYCH Petro – doctor of engineering sciences, leading research worker of research department (battle equipment), Scientific Center of Ground forces of Academy of Ground forces of the name of hetman Petro Сагайдачного. |
IsmailovaNelli – doctor of engineering sciences, associate professor, deputy of manager of department of engineering mechanics, Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
BORYAK Constantine – a doctor of engineering sciences, professor, is the Odesa state academy of the technical adjusting and quality, Odesa, Ukraine |
MALTSEV Alexander – doctor of engineering sciences, professor, is Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
GOLOVAN Vyacheslav – candidate of engineering sciences, professor of the Research laboratory (problems of military education in СВ), Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
GONCHARUK Anton – colonel, candidate of engineering sciences, senior staff scientist, is a chief of the Scientific center, Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
SHESTAKOV Valery – andidate of engineering sciences, associate professor, Zhytomyr, Ukraine |
RYZHOV Yevhen – candidate engineering sciences, chief of research laboratory (informative and геоінформаційних systems) of research department (control system by troops) of the Scientific center of Ground forces, National academy of ground forces of the name of hetman Petro Сагайдачного, Ukraine |
EFIMCHIKOV Oleksandr – candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor, is Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |
KLIMENKO Viktor – candidate of engineering sciences, senior staff scientist, is the Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine. |