V. Chepkyi,V. Skachkov, O. Yefymchykov, V. Nabok, O. Yelchaninov.
Mobile structures of the ground-based robotic complex (RTC) are investigated as an active component formation of an integrated project “object-system”, which is operated in a destabilizing environment. The relevant problem of minimizing the influence of external destabilizing factors on the operation of mobile spatially-distributed structures of the ground-based RTC is stated in the descriptions of the conceptual apparatus of complex, poorly formalized multicomponent technical systems. Following the logic of this approach, the basic principles of distributed control are determined and their applications are implemented in the mobile structures of the ground-based RTC with elements of subsidiarity. The quintessence of the latter is represented by the technology of multi-antenna MIMO systems, which made it possible to determine the trade-offs of using classical transmission methods and strategies for receiving and processing MIMO signals in the multi-sensory channels of the information-control system (ICS) and radi communication with the data transmission system and commands. Given the complexity of performing the stated tasks, a set of technological functions of reducing the influence of destabilizing factors and their practical variations in the algorithms for obtaining the target result are proposed. A situational model of reducing (minimizing) information losses at the output of the information-control system of the ground-based robotic complex under destabilization has been built. Options have been proposed to achieve the target result: integration of structural and parametric adaptation methods, MIMO technologies, code division multiplexing techniques with CDMA channels, taking into account the heterogeneity factor of information exchange channels and the artificial redundancy of the system itself to the number of external interference sources.
Technological approach, distributed structure, integral project, robotic complex, destabilizing factors, subsidiary hierarchical organization, adaptive control technology, information management system, multi-antenna MIMO system.
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