R. Bulgakov, V. Golovan.
The analysis of key concepts of information support is carried out. Based on the global trends in the development and application of automated information systems of a specialized and publicly-assigned purpose, based on the requirements advanced by the modern information society, a perspective model of an automated information system that needs to be implemented in the field of military science is presented. The general outline of informational support in the information environment of the military-scientific sector is determined. The complex of measures aimed at increasing the level of management of the system of military science is determined by timely providing full and reliable information to the governing bodies and decision-makers, as well as by applying mathematical models and methods for making optimal decisions. Considered users of the system, their role and place in the process of information exchange.
The filling and structural-functional scheme of the perspective model of the automated scientific and technical information system is proposed. A list of requirements for the functionality and software of the proposed automated information system is formulated. The conclusions of the article formulated the main advantages that will be obtained by the military-scientific sector as a result of the introduction into the creative and managerial process of the proposed automated scientific and technical information system.
Information system, information environment, information provision, automated information system, information retrieval system, information and reference system, decision support system, accounting and reporting information system, information and technological system , management of scientific projects, models and mechanisms of management of scientific and scientific and technical activities, higher military educational institutions.
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