H. Kryvohuz
The author identifies deficiencies and suggests amendments and additions to the procedure of operational (combat) orders production (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) as well as Field Manuals for the mechanized and tank forces of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to improve graphic depiction of the performance of military logistics units at operational and tactical level.
The elimination of the identified deficiencies suggests the following changes: use identical typical symbols to depict similar in function units and elements of military logistics within all armed services and branches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which requires prior coordination with various military command and control agencies; use only letters of the Ukrainian alphabet in textual modifiers of the conventional symbols, avoid duplication of conventional symbols, which stand for various types of equipment, in textual modifiers; clarify the existing symbols and add some new ones to the Procedure in order to identify the units and technical means of logistics as well as their functional performance while accomplishing their tasks, anticipate the logistics units of the prospective organizational structure as well as local industrial facilities.
Taking in consideration the identified deficiencies, the following proposals for making changes and additions to specified regulatory documents are given: use identical symbols to indicate warehouses (artillery, engineering equipment, engineering weapons and ammunition storage, NBC protection equipment, topographic maps, armored vehicles, medical equipment); introduce new conventional symbols to indicate the performance of logistics units and all available means of military logistics (areas and points of transfer of material resources, points of meeting of automobile units with material means of rear services, technical means for cooking and washing clothing, patrols, supply and evacuation routes for the brigade ( regiment), local industrial facilities and economic infrastructure, mobile departments of deployed forces and service support elements); make recommendations regarding the size of letters for the footnotes on topographic maps scales 25,000 and 50,000, as well as codes of the maps used by military personnel with regard to the experience of participation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the antiterrorist operation (operation of the combined forces) in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
Combat documents, military logistics, logistics, logistics units, technical support units, medical support units, NATO standards, conventional symbols.
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