A. Goncharuk, V. Olenev, V. Shlapak, V. Didyk.
The generalized analysis of the main objectives allows to claim creation of a complex of the fighting serviceman of equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that performance of all goals and tasks on prospect has to be provided and be followed by the effective system of scientific research and scientific support of state programs, developments of all systems and elements of a complex fighting equipments (CFE). Therefore the analysis of global trends in development and experience of creation and/or improvement of CFE, synthesis of the general requirements (tactical and technical, operational, etc.) to it, justification of requirements to systems and elements of a complex fighting equipments of the military personnel of units of military intelligence of Ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a relevant task.
For increase in opportunities of the certain serviceman at execution of fighting tasks need of carrying out broad experimentally theoretical tests on creation, operation and the directions of development of CFE in general, and the systems of power supply as a component of a complex fighting equipment, in particular exists by it.
The main criterion for evaluation of system effectiveness of power supply of CFE is an ensuring performance by the military personnel a task during a certain term and their survival after its performance by providing the CFE elements with electric energy without additional deliveries of expendables.
The analysis of modern CFE and also that which are developed according to the program under the name "Soldier of the Future" shows big saturation electronic devices which weak spot is power supply. So, the system of power supply is one of problematic issues of creation of CFE. Therefore, development of systems of power supply of the s military personnel self-powered that are capable to ensure functioning of CFE devices, throughout certain time, without restrictions of movement for the purpose of performance of a task by the serviceman is a relevant task.
Works on finishing characteristic of the system of power supply of a complex fighting to equipment to necessary level are carried out with use of new technological practices which are partially presented in this article. From them first of all it is necessary to pay attention to use of supercondensers and also to development of the Ukrainian scientists of the battery on the basis of tritium.
The location of the system of power supply is determined in a complex battle equipments of servicemen of subdivisions of military secret service of Ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and perspective directions of improvement of this system with the use of experience of leading countries of the world.
Battle equipment, system of power supply, accumulators, supercondensers.
PDF (українська)
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