№ 1 (17) – 2022



завантаження А. Skorokhod


завантаження I. Kolesnyk, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
V. Oleniev, Candidate of Military Sciences, Professor
завантаження D. Dobush

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Скороход А. О., Колесник Є. В., Оленєв В. М., Добуш Д. М. Рекомендації щодо характеристик сучасного оптичного прицілу військового снайпера. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса).2022. Вип. 1(17). С. 110-115. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.17.110-115 



The article, taking into account the available world models and experience in the use of military snipers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, defines the requirements for optical sights of a military sniper, in particular the characteristics of magnification of the sight, strength of its structure, diameter of the central tube and the object-glass, characteristics and locations of lenses, attachments, the aiming reticle, availability and ease of use of correction handwheels. The design of the sight must be strong to hold the point of impact. The magnification of the sight is variable and ranges from 5 to 25. The diameter of the central (axial) tube should be maximum - at least 30 mm, and preferably 34-35 mm. This allows to place more mechanical devices and provide the maximum number of corrections for input (horizontal and vertical). The diameter of the object-glass must be at least 50 mm. This should take into account the correspondence of the size of the object-glass with the possibility of mounting it on a particular weapon: the geometry of the rifle and the height of the bracket. Drums (handwheels) for the input of corrections must be able to be adjusted manually without accessories (screwdrivers) and by hand in a glove, which guarantees time savings and ease of use. The presence of parallax settings significantly affects the point of impact. It is desirable to use enlightened lenses with high light transmission. An integral part of the sight for high-precision shooting is a ballistic aiming reticle. The reticle should be located in the first focal plane. The presence of illumination of the reticle is very important. The anti-glare attachment is an indispensable accessory for a military sniper, as it eliminates the unmasking feature of the optical sight object-glass in sunny weather.


sniping, military sniping, optical sight, reticle.

List of bibliographic references

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