№ 1 (17) – 2022



V. Yarmoliuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher Scientist
V. Remin
M. Petukhov
S. Hydal

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Ярмолюк В. М., Ремінь В. В., Петухов М. В., Гудаль С. А. Оцінка тягово-динамічних показників колісних бронетранспортерів. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. Вип. 1(17). С. 73-79. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.17.73-79 



The formation of reasonable requirements for advanced models of weapons and military equipment is an urgent task that must be solved on the basis of the results of scientific research. One of these tasks is the formation of operational and tactical requirements for an armored wheeled platform, which in the future should become the basis for creating a line of armored vehicles for various purposes.
One of the main indicators that affect the combat and technical characteristics of such a platform is its cross-country ability. And they, in turn, depend on the design features of the machine body, transmission and its chassis. Consequently, the evaluation of the cross-country performance and the influence of the design features of the vehicle and its elements on them is a task that needs to be addressed in the course of creating a combat vehicle.
After analyzing the factors affecting the maneuverability of combat vehicles, it was concluded that it is necessary to conduct a preliminary assessment of the traction and dynamic performance of promising models of armored personnel carriers in order to make an informed decision on choosing one or another armored personnel carrier as a base vehicle or conducting experimental tests.
Thus, the article defines the indicators of traction-speed properties, which are the most applicable and sufficient for a comparative assessment of armored personnel carriers, as well as a comparative analysis of these indicators of armored personnel carriers BTR-4E and BTR-3DA. For comparative analysis, a test traction calculation was applied.
The results of such a calculation can be used to make an informed decision on the choice of one or another armored personnel carrier as the base vehicle, as well as in the further development of proposals for the formation of reasonable requirements for the components of advanced armored personnel carriers.


the reserved wheeled platform, armament and military technique, armored personnel carriers, operational and tactical requirements, hauling-dynamic indexes.

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