№ 1 (17) – 2022



завантаження Z. Hrabchak  
завантаження B. Oliyarnyk, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Cite in the List bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Грабчак З. М., Оліярник Б. О. Моделювання квадратурних складових сигналу когерентної радіолокаційної станції. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. Вип. 1(17). С. 54-63. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.17.54-63 



The perspective direction of calculation of precision values of projectile flight coordinates on the basis of data of quadrature components of the coherent radar station at carrying out ballistic firings is substantiated. The scheme of the phase meter block on the formation of the sine and cosine components of the radar signal is given. Procedures for the formation of quadrature components of the radar signal are presented. Analytical dependences of determination of quadrature components for the receiving channel of the radar station are obtained. The scheme of binding the coordinate systems of the receiving paths of the antenna and the projectile is given. The formation of the complete phases of the radar signal reflected from the projectile moving in the air in the three receiving channels of the radar station, based on the coordinates of the flight of the projectile. Modeling of quadrature components of a coherent radar station at the output of its receiving paths is carried out. A mathematical model of the flight of the projectile OF-540Zh 152-mm self-propelled howitzer 2C3 was used for calculations, on the basis of which an array of cosine and sine components of the radar signal reflected from the projectile was obtained. Field experimental researches of formation of a full phase of a radar signal on results of simulation of ballistic firings with use of experimental installation of single-channel single-frequency radar station is carried out. As a ballistic body was used 12.7-mm armor-piercing incendiary bullet B-32, simulating the movement of the projectile on the guide tube of the experimental installation. The results of the field experiment confirmed the possibility of implementing procedures for recording samples of quadrature components of the radar signal, calculating and restoring their complete phase in the interval [-π, π], as well as the processing and generating complete «rectified» phases of radar signals. 


radar station, projectile, radar signal, phase meter, full phase, flight coordinates, sine and cosine quadratures, modeling.

List of bibliographic references

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