№ 1 (19) – 2023




завантаження V. Chepkii, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


завантаження V. Skachkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
завантаження O. Yefymchykov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
завантаження V. Nabok, Candidate of Military Sciences, Senior Research Scientist
завантаження O. Yelchaninov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
завантаження S. Osypenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Чепкій В. В., Скачков В. В., Єфимчиков О. М., Набок В. К., Єльчанінов О. Д., Осипенко С. М. Хмарні рішення реалізації гібридної IT-інфраструктури інформаційно-освітнього середовища вищого військового навчального закладу. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 189-202. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.189-202


According to the cloud-based project, the information and education environment (IE) of a higher military educational institution is being modernized. Hybrid IT infrastructure and cloud solutions for its implementation are analyzed. As a result, a comprehensive model of dialogically close service solutions is presented as a prototype of an open, coordinated and standardized cloud system. The hierarchical two-level structure of the complex model is represented by: at the lower (physical) level, hardware for providing cloud services; at the upper (abstract) level, physically deployed software. The article presents a combined scheme of corporate IT infrastructure maintenance with priority given to the IaaS services segment, the classic scenario of hybrid IT infrastructure deployment, and a ready-made management software solution. These requirements have been transformed into a cloud-based hybrid system architecture that combines the external infrastructure of service providers with the internal local infrastructure of a military educational institution by integrating corporate resources and services into the information and educational environment. The latter are represented by ready-made solutions from Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Imagine Academy, Virtual Academy, and Google Workspace, which Microsoft and Google provide to educational institutions free of charge. The basic version of the freely distributed cloud platform Apache CloudStack v.4 was chosen as a tool for managing the resources of the hybrid IT infrastructure. In this context, the selection criteria and the overall topological ordering of the cloud platform are defined. The organizational emphasis of the platform implementation as a three-level hierarchical investment of structural elements is set. We propose a technical structure of the implementation consisting of two computers, one of which performs the functions of the CloudStack MS Management Server and the Primary Storage, and the other is responsible for the hypervisor and contains the Secondary Storage.


information and educational environment, hybrid IT infrastructure, virtualization, service solutions, cloud platform, virtual machine, deployment model.

List of bibliographic references

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