№ 1 (19) – 2023




завантаження I. Chaikin


завантаження L. Bykova 
завантаження V. Nabok, Candidate of Military Sciences, Senior Researcher Scientist
завантаження V. Shapovalov
завантаження V. Denisuk

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Чайкін І. В., Бикова Л. Г., Набок В. К., Шаповалов В. М., Денисюк В. С. Аналіз системи технічного обслуговування і ремонту автомобільної техніки під час бойових дій (2014-2016 років) та шляхи її удосконалення. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 118-125. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.118-125


The article analyzes the system of maintenance and repair of automotive equipment based on the experience of conducting combat operations, and further ways of improving this system are determined.
Taking into account the development trends of the armed struggle, the military and political situation in the world, the Ukrainian people should be confident in the combat capability of their Armed Forces (hereinafter - the Armed Forces). Based on this, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine pay important attention to the technical condition of weapons and military equipment (hereinafter referred to as military equipment) (including automotive equipment).
During the operation of the car, its functional properties gradually deteriorate due to activation, damage to parts, corrosion, fatigue of the material from which it is made, and so on. Various malfunctions (defects) occur that significantly reduce the efficiency of car operation.
Considering the fact that the vast majority of existing models of automotive equipment are in operation for more than 18-25 years (while most of the time is in storage), the importance of the effective functioning of the maintenance and repair system (hereinafter referred to as M&R) to maintain a given level of their combat capability is increasing.
In modern conditions, timely and high-quality maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment has become an important influencing factor of the combat capability of troops (forces), because it is a process that results in the combat potential of units, units and formations of the Ground Forces being maintained at a given level during long time.


system of technical maintenance and repair, automotive equipment, repair and restoration bodies, system of auto technical support.

List of bibliographic references

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