№ 1 (15) – 2021
V. Chepkii, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
O. Sergieiev, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
V. Skachkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor |
O. Yefymchykov, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
V. Nabok, Cand. of Military Sciences, Senior Research Scientist |
O. Yelchaninov, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Чепкій В. В., Сергєєв О. Ю., Скачков В. В., Єфимчиков О. М., Набок В. К., Єльчанінов О. Д. Інформаційно-аналітичний аспект професійної компетентності фахівців ракетно-артилерійського озброєння в реаліях подвійної парадигми вищої військової освіти. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 241-256. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.241-256
Based on the priority of informational and analytical activities in the system of training specialist of rocket and artillery armament (RAA), the problem of the development of information and analytical competence (IAC) of cadets in the realities of the bi-paradigm model of the Higher Military Education Institution (HMEI) was investigated. An informal syncretic construction of the IAK development with a core of peculiar interaction components is declared. The information-analytical conceptualization of this core is displayed by the subject-knowledge and project conversion. The announced circumstances determined the purpose of the study, actualized the task of concretizing and adaptively objectifying the tools for pedagogical management of the process of developing information and analytical competencies of a RAA specialist. The effectiveness of the target setting is provided by a complex of pedagogical conditions and a number of subtasks, which include technological, technical, scientific and pedagogical, content-methodological and organizational aspects. In the context of the target result, the multidimensional core in the design of the IAK development is formed according to a three-degree non-hierarchical scheme of component interaction. With such visualization, the development of information and analytical competence of each cadet at the HMEI is presented as a process of qualitative and quantitative changes in the structural (instrumental, performance, managerial, diagnostic) and functional (motivational-value, cognitive, operational-technological, evaluative-reflexive) components of interaction. The operational and practical component of the process of forming information and analytical competence at the HMEI is presented by the methodology in applications to the field of "Electrical Engineering", which was integrated into the educational process and implemented at the stages of orientation, specification and coordination. The method of consistent implementation of the conditions of pedagogical management contributes to the balanced development of differential and integral cognitive styles of perceptions of the cadet.
information and analytical competence, bi-paradigm model, syncretic construction, non-hierarchical core, structural and functional components.
List of bibliographic references
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