№ 1 (15) – 2021
A. Barhilevych, Cand. of Military Sciences |
O. Huliak, Cand. Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor |
H. Yefimov, Cand. of Public Administration, Senior Research Scientist |
V. Minasov, Cand. of Military Sciences, Professor
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Баргилевич А. В., Гуляк О. В., Єфімов Г. В., Мінасов В. С. Методологічний підхід до визначення факторів, які впливають на якість організації спеціальної (бойової) підготовки частин (підрозділів) територіальної оборони за результатами підготовки. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 215-224. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.215-224
The article is devoted to the consideration of new approaches to determining the factors that significantly influence the organization of special (combat) training of separate brigades of territorial defense of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to perform assigned tasks taking into account the specifics of their formation and training.
The influence of conditions and factors on the level of compliance of the military forces system with the designated tasks, as well as the organization of effective training of its components to carry out the tasks for the purpose changes depending on the changes in the military-political situation, level of development of the state economy and military forces of the opposing parties, state of infrastructure, operational equipment of the territory of the country, etc.
Considering the significant variability in the definition of conditions and factors that in general affect the organization of training and combat readiness of military units and troops of the armed forces, We can agree with the above-mentioned researchers and conditionally group these diverse conditions into two groups of factors - external (objective) and internal (sub-individual), which are characterized by certain indicators.
Therefore, in contrast to the proposed approach, we propose to divide the objective and subjective factors into general, basic, the primary and indirect influence factors, which exert varying degrees of influence, both on the training of the armed forces and on the performance of designated special (combat) tasks.
In order to identify the essence and importance of the influence of external and internal factors on the organization of special (combat) training of the special forces and combat service units, it is necessary to carry out their all-round analysis.
Mechanically transferring the experience of other countries to national realities will be ineffective, but the implementation of certain areas of organization of training of military personnel and reservists can lead to an increase in efficiency of the training system for the mobilization contingent of territorial defense units.
The identified objective factors and their indicators are general and only indirectly influence the quality of training of the special forces and military units and their further performance of the tasks assigned to them.
territorial defense, territorial defense units, factors of influence on special (combat) training.
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