№ 1 (15) – 2021
O. Savinok, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
K. Marinicheva
T. Kobzar
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Савінок О. М., Марінічева К. В., Кобзар Т. А. Використання сучасних полімерних матеріалів в технологіях будівництва коралів, катерів та підводних човнів. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 160-167. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.160-167
Today forces scientists to actively seek, create, research and implement new materials that would meet the needs of the time. Metal structures have been replaced by polycomposite, which, in addition to corrosion resistance, reduce magnetic, radar and infrared signatures, improve thermal and sound insulation characteristics of ships, boats, submarines and marine apparatus. Given the versatility of CM, they are widely used in shipbuilding in the creation of surface and internal structures. The fluidity of the requirements for the technical characteristics of modern surface and underwater vehicles, encourages the use of new synthetic materials, so the analysis of the experience of using polymers in the field of shipbuilding - is relevant. To determine the promising areas of use of PCM, the experience of leading shipyards and the main classes of water vehicles on which these materials are implemented are analyzed.
To reduce the effect of pressure on the object when diving to the depth, the design of the submarine and deep-sea devices have a spherical or hemispherical shape. Therefore, usually the initial studies of the strength characteristics of structural materials are carried out for similar forms. Technical characteristics of structures with PCM are determined by many factors, important are - the method of formation, the chemical composition of the materials used, the shape of the reinforcing elements.
According to the analyzed experience of using PCM, it is established that the new synthetic materials allow to expand the functional properties and capabilities of ships, boats, submarines and marine apparatus. The world's leading maritime countries use PCM in the field of surface and submarine shipbuilding, which can significantly improve the tactical and technical characteristics of not only military vehicles but also civilian ones.
polycomposite materials, spherical shapes of submarines, ships, submarines, vessels.
List of bibliographic references
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