№ 1 (15) – 2021 |
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M. Tkachenko | |
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O. Skorokhvatov
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O. Kovalchuk | |
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A. Malishkin | |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)Ткаченко М. Д., Скорохватов О. М., Ковальчук О. В., Малишкін О. В. Стрілецька зброя для підводної стрільби. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 128-133. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.128-133 |
Abstract |
The article analyses the possible risks that may arise during the use of small arms for underwater shooting when combat swimmers are performing combat missions. The shortcomings that affect the accuracy and range of underwater and airborne special weapons are identified, which will reduce the likelihood of abnormal situations that can lead to tragic consequences and failure to perform the assigned combat mission. Ways to develop new small arms for use under water and on land have been identified.
Extensive research into the development of underwater small arms was launched after World War II. The result is a variety of systems: rubber, spring, pneumatic, fire. Based on a brief analysis of the main characteristics of the weapon, which uses the energy of a compressed spring, the energy of a stretched rubber bundle or compressed air to throw the defeating element, it is possible to conclude that these types of underwater weapons are large, large weight and low rate of fire. They are characterized by a small power of the shot, which provides the actual movement of the bullet (harpoon, needle) at a distance of 5-10 m and a low firing density.
Fulfillment of these requirements (the effect of the bullet on the target, the density and accuracy of firing, the distance of effective firing), as shown by the calculations and results of experiments, can be ensured only through the use of firearms (in which to throw the element using powder energy).
Today, the armies of developed countries have a number of similar systems. Among the most significant developments is the BUW-2 submarine pistol, developed in 1971 in Germany by AJW. This is a multi-charge semi-automatic launcher that fires, active-jet bullets with hydrodynamic stabilization. The cartridges are located in 4 barrels, which create a disposable unit. In terms of firing distance, the pistol has an advantage over most samples of weapons used for spearfishing.
Keywords |
pistol, assault rifle, accuracy, APS, SPP.
List of bibliographic references |
References |