№ 1 (15) – 2021 |
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A. Derevianchuk, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Professor
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A. Vakal, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist
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V. Diachenko, Cand. of Military Sciences
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R. Gevorgian
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)Дерев'янчук А. Й., Вакал А. О., Дяченко В. І., Геворгян Р. Г. Спосіб перевірки параметрів гідропневматичних накатників артилерійських гармат. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 121-127. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.121-127 |
Abstract |
Technical maintenance of armament at this stage is one of the main artillery requirements. At the same time stable and correct work of hydraulic recoil mechanism is a necessary part of exploitation of this weapon type. According to the operational documentation requirements, cannon hydraulic recoil mechanism is verified during the preparation to the shooting and technical maintenance. It is obligatory to determine initial air pressure and liquid volumes inside the recuperator mechanism of recoil absorber and its approximation to all the norms outlined in the operational documentation.
We consider the problems, related to preservation of necessary air pressure and liquid volumes while the shooting, to be very important in comparison with other actions. Their values deviations may cause changes of working parameters of recoil absorber and recuperator mechanism in particular and, consequently, it changes such significant operational parameters of hydraulic recoil mechanism as recoil velocity and length, velocity of recuperator mechanism, etc. Such conditions may lead to emergency situation, and a cannon may lose stability or constructive integrity.
That is why the aim of the article is to develop efficient method to verify initial parameters of hydraulic recoil mechanism before the shooting as it will help to bring them to the norms outlined in the operational documentation in the shortest term. The resolution of this problem will contribute to further improvement of modes of exploitation of armament and military equipment.
To enhance the level of maintenance of cannons, its recuperator mechanisms using multifunctional pneumatic device in relation to standard instruments that are necessary to verify hydraulic recoil mechanisms of the abovementioned artillery systems means to create the device of new construction with the use of modern light and strong materials as well as progressive technologies. In future it will lead to checking procedures simplification, reducing the execution time, increasing the efficiency of personnel operation and safety. Further research will deal with development of technique of determination of liquid in the recuperator without the use of its test graph.
Keywords |
hydraulic recoil mechanism, cannons, modes of exploitation.
List of bibliographic references |
References |