№ 1 (15) – 2021
N. Balitskyi
P. Vankevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist
E. Ivanyk, Cand. of Physical and Mathematics Sciences, Senior Research Scientist
A. Chernenko, Cand. of Military Sciences
O. Shatalov, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
I. Ilkiv, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Баліцький Н. С., Ванкевич П. І., Іваник Є. Г., Черненко А. Д., Шаталов О. Є., Ільків І. М. Основні принципи розроблення алгоритмів управління навчально-тренувальними системами. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 65-73. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.65-73
Modern stage of development of science and technique, non divide from military science, characteristic to those, that an important role is acquired by the tools of treatment of information, able to provide creation of the proper intelligence systems. Such tools must own ability to accumulate, summarize and use present scientific potential and knowledge with the purpose of optimum management and decision-making in the conditions of irremovable informative vagueness. Computers technologies being basis of education and training tools and systems enable substantially to promote efficiency of the individual combat training of both separate fighter and harmony of actions of complete subsections. With their help, on the basis of the proper mathematical procedures, with high enough exactness an environment is designed and the realistic picture of battle actions is reproduced. Subsequent integration of modern software’s products in the trainer equipment allows to extend their functional possibilities in the direction of increase of high-quality descriptions of studies with simultaneous minimization of material, resources and sentinels charges, as a result it is possible to unite in an unique trainer complex separate types of armament and military equipment, imitators of tools of management, defeat and connect in the single trainer-designing system of tactical preparation of personnel. Some principles stopped up in basis of management tasks in the conditions of considerable a priori vagueness are expounded in the article, which arise up foremost then, when description of conformities to the law of functioning of management object can not be formalized.
computers and information’s technologies, devices of processing information’s, educational-training tools, combat training, mathematical procedures, algorithms, repair of terms of environment, modeling of possible actions of the real hardware’s and battle systems, abstract virtual models, artificial intelligence, optimum direction, criteria of direction, aim function, educational network, multilinear polinoms, image classifier, analog elements, discriminate functions, synthesis of the educational control systems.
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