№ 1 (15) – 2021
R. Bulhakov, Cand. of Technical Sciences
V. Holovan, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Professor
A. Holovan, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
S. Nikul, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Булгаков Р. В., Головань В. Г., Головань А. В., Нікул С. О. Модель розвитку системи озброєння та військової техніки. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 58-64. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.58-64
At present, in the field of view of domestic researchers are left without consideration of the complex indicators of the weapons system and military equipment, as well as the possibility of managerial influence on them. A complex system of armaments and military equipment has a significant number of interrelated properties and qualities, among which it is necessary to distinguish between simple and integral qualities. To describe the processes of development of the armament system and military equipment, which include not only quantitative changes in it, but also qualitatively new behavior, nonlinear mathematical models are used.
Any system of armaments and military equipment inevitably receives excitement of various types. Such excitations can be either external influences, due to random or systematic changes in the environment, or internal fluctuations that occur in the system itself as a result of the interaction of elements. The study raises a range of issues of "quantitative integration" or quantitative study of dynamic weapons systems and military equipment, as well as the number and nature of the equilibrium of the dynamic weapons system and military equipment, the presence of bifurcation points (intersections of decisions).
The article proposes a mathematical model of development of the weapons system and military equipment focused on the study of integrated indicators and properties of the system, built on the basis of a conceptual model of development and a model of the process of self-organization. The presented model takes into account not only quantitative changes in the given system, but also qualitatively new behavior of the system, dynamics of structural changes and entropy of the system; also in the given model attention is paid to processes of self-instruction of system.
armament and military equipment, development, model.
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