№ 2 (16) – 2021
H. Kryvohus, Cand. of Military Sciences, Associate Professor |
R. Bulhakov, Cand. of Technical Sciences |
Ye. Slutskiy, PhD in Economics |
Cite in tne List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Кривогуз Г. І., Булгаков Р. В., Слуцький Є. В. Методика визначення потреби військової частини у воді для прання речового майна в польових умовах з використанням мобільних лазне-пральних комплексів (модулів). Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 2(16). С. 229-236. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.16.229-236
Due to the fact, that military publications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) do not assign a methodology to determine the quantity of water required to meet the needs of a military unit, while doing laundry in field conditions whatever the situation; and taking into account the technical characteristics of modern washing machines installed in Deployable Laundry and Bath Modules (DLBM), the purpose of the article is to develop the required methodology.
To achieve this goal, the following methods were applied: the method of analysis of the requirements contained in regulatory documents and technical characteristics of washing machines installed in DLBM and DLM which are integrated into the DLBS; as well as the method of synthesis to provide proposals for the algorithm which is used to determine the main indicators of this methodology.
Based on the analysis of normative documents, the conclusion was made that the water consumption, which satisfies the needs of a military unit for wash water to do laundry in field conditions whatever the situation, is not considered.
Water consumption is related to two indicators of the average water consumption required to wash 1 kg of dry uniforms and towels, and the actual ability to provide laundry in field conditions during a certain period of military activities.
While the theoretical significance of the article lies in the development of the required methodology mentioned above, its practical significance lies in providing recommendations for the application of this methodology during the operational preparation phase as well as the operation itself and under conditions with limited possibility to do laundry.
The developed methodology provides the algorithm which can be used to determine the quantity of wash water to satisfy the need of a military unit to do laundry in field conditions. The algorithm considers required water reserves and water consumption.
consumption, water, stocks, methodology, Deployable Laundry and Bath Modules (DLBM), Deployable Laundry Modules (DLM), personnel, need.
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