№ 2 (16) – 2021
V. Artemov, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
V. Obertas |
O. Kuprinyuk |
P. Mitiushin |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Артемов В. О., Обертас В. Ф., Купринюк О. П., Мітюшин П. А. Застосування моделей розподілу матеріально-технічних ресурсів логістики для оптимізації автотехнічного забезпечення. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 2(16). С. 222-228. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.16.222-228
Within the logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, its main function is implemented - logistics support of the Armed Forces. Logistics support of the Armed Forces is implemented by logistics units, management bodies, and equipment, which is expressed in the implementation of material, technical, transport support and operation of infrastructure, as well as some types of medical support. Logistics support of the Armed Forces is a set of closely related procedures, as well as the activities of logistics bodies and units, which are aimed at organizing the proper functioning of the logistics system, effective use of transport network and vehicles, and providing troops with everything they need to live and conduct operations of various types in peacetime, during the crisis and martial law. It consists in the coordination, planning, organization, promotion and control of the use of various means of supply, as well as the implementation of a wide range of specialized and household services. The purpose of the logistical support of the Armed Forces is to meet the needs of troops in armaments and military equipment, as well as in the means necessary for life and conduct various operations, and to ensure the ability of human potential to conduct combat operations.
The work is devoted to forecasting management models in the field of logistical automotive support of the needs of troops which are recommended to be realized by application of the distribution method for optimization of transport flows. Analysis and evaluation of the use of means of supply and provision is a type of management activity for a deep understanding and understanding of the dialectic of development of the managed object, an objective assessment of its driving forces. This makes it possible to simulate the situation, outline a specific goal, choose the means to achieve it and get the best optimal result.
logistics, auto technical support, material and technical resources, optimization.
List of bibliographic references
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