№ 2 (16) – 2021
V. Oleniev, Cand. of Military Sciences, Professor |
L. Kinderknekht, Associate Professor |
V. Didyk |
M. Oleniev, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
L. Hamanyuk |
Cite in tne List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Оленєв В. М., Кіндеркнехт Л. В., Дідик В. О., Оленєв М. В., Гаманюк Л. О. Визначення перспективного складу системи управління у складі комплексів бойового екіпірування військовослужбовців підрозділів Десантно-штурмових військ Збройних Сил України. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 2(16). С. 201-211. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.16.201-211
In the article, going near research of the system of management is considered in composition the complexes of battle equipment of servicemen of subdivisions of Paratrooper-assault troops (PAT) with the aim of determinations of directions of her improvement and perspective composition. The important stage of ground of perspective composition of control system in composition the complexes of battle equipment of servicemen of subdivisions of PAT is a complex estimation to payment in battle efficiency of actions of subdivisions at the decision of certain urgent tasks on the basis of mathematical design of battle actions. According to substantive provisions system to approach at making of requirements to the separate subsystems it is necessary to come from the basic having a special purpose setting of all system on the whole, expressed through her efficiency. Such going near research of control system in composition the complexes of battle equipment of servicemen of subdivisions of PAT of the Armed Forces of Ukraine gives an opportunity of з of a few variants to distinguish rational and to define priority directions of з improvement of all control system in composition the complexes of battle equipment of servicemen. Realization of the considered directions of improvement of control system and her elements in composition the complexes of battle equipment of servicemen provides considerable expansions of tactical indexes of actions of subdivisions of PAT of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also promotes their noninteraction and tactical independence. On preliminary calculations, realization of the pointed directions of improvement of equipment can provide the substantial increase of efficiency of implementation of urgent tasks of more subzero subdivisions. Therefore works with reduction of descriptions of control system the complex of battle equipment to the necessary level must carry out with the use of new technological works that is partly presented in this article.
complex of battle equipment, battle efficiency, control system, indexes of efficiency.
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