№ 2 (16) – 2021

S. Abramov, Cand. of Technical Sciences

O. Lupalenko

G. Belous
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Абрамов С. В., Лупаленко О. В., Білоус Г. П. Система автономного руху і управління середньотонажного військового автомобіля. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 2(16). С. 191-200. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.16.191-200
The article considers the prospects of creating new types of military vehicles, including autonomous vehicles for military needs, analyzes foreign and domestic experience in the field of unmanned vehicles. The classification of levels of autonomy among the systems of assistance to the driver of modern cars is given. The technology of movement of unmanned vehicles in the «Leader-Follower» mode and the set of equipment that ensures its operation are revealed.
Emphasis is placed on creating a system of autonomous movement and control of a medium-ton military vehicle and its features. The construction of the architecture of the system of autonomous movement and control of a medium-ton military vehicle is given, as well as the tasks and requirements for the subsystems that are part of it are determined. The general principle of operation of the autonomous movement and control system and the content of information processing operations that it performs are revealed.
Based on the analysis, the technical characteristics of LiDAR sensors as components of the elements of the technical vision system of the autonomous motion subsystem are given. The general principle of operation of LiDAR technology and possibilities which are reached at its application in systems of autonomous movement are opened. The need to integrate various sensors to detect and recognize objects, obstacles and control the autonomous movement of the car is indicated.
medium-duty military vehicle, unmanned vehicle, autonomous movement, autonomous movement and control system, subsystem, autonomous movement subsystem, integrated navigation subsystem, control subsystem, elements of technical vision system, image interpretation unit, sensor, scanner, LiDAR, object recognition, information processing, digital elevation model, sensor integration.
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