№ 2 (16) – 2021
V. Klimenko, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Senior Research |
D. Kotov |
Yu. Petrik |
Yu. Koval |
V. Marchenko |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Клименко В. В., Котов Д. А., Петрик Ю. М., Коваль Ю. И., Марченко В. П. Проблема имитационного моделирования процессов функционирования многосенсорной информационно-управляющей ситемы автомобиля в условиях дестабилизирующих воздействий. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 2(16). С. 181-190. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.16.181-190
The subject area of properties of an unmanned vehicle with an information and control system in conflict and uncertain operating conditions in two versions is considered. The first option is a physical model that reflects the material attributes of the ground adaptive robotic complex using the components of subsystems of generalized design with measuring system of sensors and adaptive control system, as well as materialized elements of technological interaction in the form of multisensor channels for receiving and processing signals. radiation. The second option - an analytical model that reflects the system of formalization of information interaction of the object with the operating environment with objects, which is represented by an ordered set (vector) of source data, logical and analytical expressions, algorithms or rules for their construction. Particular attention is paid to simulation methods of digital information processing in information and control systems of car control. A simulation model with a stabilizing measure for the processing of digital multisensory information in information and control systems of car control in the conditions of destabilizing influences is proposed. The presented joint solution of the problem of restoring the observed image involves determining the conditions of formation of the recovered image taking into account destabilizing factors by simulating them as a noise test useful signal, the coefficients of which are formed by addressing random number sensors (RNS) with uniform distribution law with its subsequent processing in a regularized adaptive system.
information and control system, destabilizing influences, automotive equipment, information, test signal.
List of bibliographic references
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