№ 2 (16) – 2021
O. Korkin |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Коркін О. Ю. Стохастична модель процесу параметричної адаптації радіотехнічних систем в умовах навчання по некласифікованій вибірці. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 2(16). С. 144-150. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.16.144-150
On the stage of planning and development of radiotechnical systems (RТS) the special place is taken to the evaluation of their efficiency in the real terms. Taking into account complication of decision of the indicated task it is expedient to spare basic attention to development of such model with the use of method of stochastic imitation modeling, that in the first close will confirm adequacy of theoretical researches.
The article is a comparison of these experimental processes of adaptation of RТS with the adaptive antenna array (AAA) for information systems and with the auto jamming canceller (АJC) for the equal terms of signal and jamming situation, when an training sample is unclassified, testifies in favor on RТS with adaptive antenna array.
In RТS with ААA criterion of a of maximum of relation signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) will be realized, even, if there is an useful signal in the cross-correlation matrix of supervision. For situations, when the adaptive system arrives at the potential value (the process of adaptation is completed) informative losses are minimum. Not monotony of process of adaptation at a supervision for an unclassified selection can be conditioned by the hit of useful signal in the feed-back of such system.
In RТS with AJC criterion of a maximum of relation SINR will not be realized in connection with its reaction as on hindrances so continuous useful signal that can is in an unclassified selection. Informative losses for such systems in nondeterministic terms are maximal.
Conducted a stochastic imitation modeling allows in the first close to confirm adequacy earlier the got theoretical researches of gradient algorithms of self-reactance adaptation for ААA and АJC in the conditions of studies on an unclassified selection.
adaptation, algorithms of adaptation, adaptive antenna array, auto jamming canceller, training sample, modeling.
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