R. Bulgakov, V. Golovanʼ, L. Knaub |
ABSTRACT The article deals with increasing the efficiency of scientific project management in higher military educational establishments by introducing the method of distribution of research works among the teams of performers of scientific projects of higher military educational establishments, analyzes the load of scientific and pedagogical workers of typical structural units of higher educational establishments of higher educational establishments. Actions of the functional leader in the selection of the team of executors of the scientific project. Specificity of scientific tasks in the military field is the need to overcome the uncertainties caused by the unpredictability of the enemy during combat. The complexity and multidimensionality of the problem of planning and managing the scientific and technical activities in the security and defense sector necessitate the improvement of existing planning and management mechanisms in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Management activities of functional leaders is one of the important factors for the success and quality of scientific tasks. In the teaching and research processes of higher military education there is a wide range of management entities. The content and scope of managerial functions of heads of departments, faculties and departments are defined in the relevant charters, guidelines and instructions. However, it is very difficult to identify the quantitative weight of each institution of management of the scientific-pedagogical system of higher education institutions and its structural units. The order of performing management functions during certain periods of activity is worked out by each entity, mainly independently, on the basis of personal experience, the choice of forms, methods and means of influencing the management object is, for the most part, a creative process. One of the important aspects of the implementation of a scientific project that depends on the end result is the selection of the "right" team of project executors and the project resource, namely: specialists in the field of research, motivated by the result, able to achieve it by their competence, not overloaded with other work , plus - comprehensive security of the project. In order to increase the effectiveness of management activities, to apply the management of the institution (the chief and his deputy for scientific work) by the apparatus, to qualitatively evaluate and make the right management decisions at the stage of appointment of the project manager and the team of executors of the scientific project, to determine the resource base and limitations in this particular scientific project, this technique is proposed. Management of scientific projects in all phases of their implementation - from order to implementation, is a priority direction of increasing the efficiency of the system of scientific and scientific-technical activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The implementation of the algorithm of selection of the team of executors of the scientific project is an effective mechanism for optimizing the decision-making process by functional managers in the early stages of scientific projects. |
KEYWORDS Project management, scientific project management, management algorithms, models and mechanisms of scientific and technical activities management, higher military educational establishments. |
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