L. Semenenko, E. Kolennikova, T. Akinina, V. Kulbashevsky, M. Naumenko |
ABSTRACT The high requirements for training a military specialist include improving the quality of language education for students of military universities, which can be accomplished by reforming ineffective teaching methods in a foreign language. Moreover, when updating and improving existing methods and developing technologies of teaching foreign languages, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the educational institution, the closeness and isolation of the military organization. Given these features, modern methods of teaching foreign languages in military universities should be aimed at the formation of professional competence, and the development of a versatile personality, able to express their opinions competently. Formation of foreign language discursive competence in military specialists will not only effectively and profoundly acquire practical knowledge, but will also help to develop professional motivation for learning a foreign language. In order to study the ways of formation of discursive competence in students of higher military educational institutions it is advisable to: identify the essence of discursive competence, giving it the most capacious definition; determine the structure of the phenomenon under study and identify its main components; to determine the specifics of discursive competence in higher military education. Based on most definitions, foreign-language discursive competence should be developed as a pragmatic ability, selecting as a basis the skills and competencies that will be most relevant within a particular military specialty. Modern training technologies and developments, based on the basic principles of teaching a foreign language for professional purposes, can significantly improve the efficiency of the process of learning a foreign language |
KEYWORDS Foreign language, higher military educational institution, discursive competence. |
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