I. Pasko, M. Petrushenko, S. Nikul, Y. Sinilo, O. Budur |
ABSTRACT A general approach is considered, which allows to use the information models of automated interaction of control bodies to generate correct results of information-computingtasks, which are solved by means of complexes of automation of control units of artillery units. Experience of application of artillery during anti-terror operation and Operation of the incorporated forces allows to assert, that a management of artillery units can be effective only at terms practically instantaneous, real-time, reaction on an operative situation, that changes constantly. The achievement of such level of management is possible only by automation of his processes (automated realization of corresponding complex of information-computing tasks) with theuse of complexes of facilities of automation (CFA). One of basic tasks of CFA there is realization of possibilities of the special software basis of that is made by information-computing tasks (ICT). To ICT hard requirements are pulled out in relation to unification, accordance to the technical equipments, and also openness and adaptivity both to maintenance of tasks for automation of that they are intended and to the time indexes of realization of calculations. Determination of tactical situation (operative directions) of ICT is one of major elements of the stage of forming of requirement specification on development of CFA. Exactly a tactical situation has given determine role and place of ICT in the process of management, connection with other ICT, forms and sources of receipt of permanent and variable information, consumers of initial information, mathematical methods, limitations and suppositions that is accepted in ICT. The operative raising of task (to the complex of tasks) is a basic document that the developer of task must follow at her creation[1].The analysis of information generators testifies in the same time, that not spared the question of forming of the operative raising of ICT the proper attention. |
KEYWORDS Information-computing task, special software, complex of automation tools, tactical situation, information model, information process. |
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