O. Laznia, P. Trofimenko, S. Nikul, Y. Sinilo, L. Knaub |
ABSTRACT The article gives examples of practical use of false objects (models) during the preparation and conduct of hostilities, describes the most appropriate constructive implementation of weapons and military equipment (WМЕ) models, defines the tasks that will be performed during their application, formulated requirements for models different types of military technologies. Implementation of events of tactical camouflage remains the important element of the all-round providing of fight, the task of that is an achievement of the hidden activity of the units and misleading an opponent in relation to composition, state, position of units, their battle possibilities and intention of future actions. During realization of anti-terror operation and operation of Incorporated forces during implementation of events of the all-round providing, misleading an opponent came true by creation of erroneous elements of battle-orders of units, making of models of military technique by means of the improvised materials (boxes, boards and others like that). Noise during works, subzero quality of models exposed intention of misleading an opponent, that erected efficiency of the use of erroneous objects to the minimum. At the same time the use of Armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) of the quality models of military technique, which were made in factory with the observance of all requirements, types will allow in times to promote efficiency of events of the all-round providing and create terms in relation to misleading an opponent. . During realization of complete spectrum of events of tactical camouflage (creation of erroneous objects) it is expedient to use pneumatic models of WME (starting options, artillery systems). With the aim of achievement of maximal efficiency of the use of pneumatic models they need to be made it is centralized with the observance of corresponding requirements (maximal working out in detail of construction) of WME (starting options, artillery systems) and their constituents. In the conditions of application of various facilities of secret service an opponent, with the aim of misleading him, pneumatic models must imitate all processes constrained with the use of standard of WME (moving, transportation, starting of rockets, firing, electromagnetic radiation, sound-effects, heating of separate parts, reflection of radio waves, and others like that). Pneumatic model must function in the conditions of continental climate temperate and in the conditions of radio electronic hindrances of different origin. Thus, on condition of observance of the marked requirements and descriptions, it is possible to assert that pneumatic models of WME (starting options, artillery systems) is qualitatively made will execute a task on purpose, namely to mislead an opponent, in relation to the real construction of battle-orders of our units. Further direction of research of this question must be development of methodology of application of pneumatic models in the different types of fight, stowage of operatively-tactical requirements of pneumatic models to every WME (starting setting, artillery system), search of the most expedient technical decisions, in relation to a structure, functioning and vitality of materials and devices that will be included in a complete set. |
KEYWORDS Tactical camouflage, Military technology models, pneumatic models. |
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