V. Lisovenko, D. Lisovenko, O. Bazyk |
ABSTRACT Many energy saving tasks can be solved thanks to the current advances in LED technology in the production of semiconductor light sources. Modern production of solid-state LEDs guarantees high-precision compliance with the calculated design parameters of illumination devices. This opens up wide opportunities for high-precision control of the lighting parameters of a multicomponent module: light power, a directional pattern and a distribution of illumination. Today, the methodical issues of the preliminary modeling of LED illumination devices with the given parameters are fundamentally solved. There is a shift from manual calculations to computer design and need to develop and select the most effective mathematical modeling methods. The paper presents a consistent approach to the modeling of the distribution of illumination on a horizontal plane from the planar LED module, based on the Lambert type of radiation of a single point source. Simple mathematical expressions, programmed on a personal computer, are obtained. The example of a 25-LED floodlight has shown the ability of dynamic control the lighting characteristics of the module. Connecting patterns of separate LEDs or their groups allow to change the direction pattern of the lamp by the appropriate way of switching diodes with different aperture of radiation. The lighting power can be controlled within the linearity of the ampere-brightness characteristics by changing the current strength through the LED. The static selection of characteristics is controlled by the geometry of the location of discrete sources. The formation of uniform illumination of the plane is graphically illustrated. The electron-dynamic way of controlling the lighting parameters of the LED floodlight is confirmed by the inventor’s certificate. |
KEYWORDS LED, multicomponent module, lighting device, illumination, light power, lighting parameters. |
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