О. Budur, S. Nikul, M. Petrushenko, V. Holovan, O. Serheyev, S. Tarasenko. |
ABSTRACT In today's difficult international environment, especially in view of the situation in which Ukraine finds itself, it is necessary to note that each of the states with different social structures makes a titanic effort to prevent a nuclear war, to preserve and strengthen the peace. Engaging in peaceful construction, it is necessary to protect the defense capability of the Ukrainian state, where we have no right to allow the weakening for a second. The prospect of solving such problems lies to some extent on missile systems, as they are high-precision weapons. To accomplish these missiles, it is necessary to have a modern element base. Particularly important is the task of replacing already outdated samples of weapons with new, where the latest achievements of scientific and technical work, new approaches in design. Solid propellant rocket engines are now widespread. It has the following major advantages: high reliability, ease of use, constant readiness for action. Rocket launchers are used in all classes of modern military complexes. A variety of applications and tasks contribute to the development of a wide range of structures that differ in overall, mass, traction, time and other characteristics. When approaching such work, it is necessary to take into account the classification of this type of missiles, to analyze the requirements advanced to the missiles in terms of standard, operational and production and economic requirements. In addition, to select and justify the scheme of the rocket. Determine the type of start, engine rocket. Particular attention should be given to the determination of structural materials and the choice of the missile flight program. In the analysis of the requirements for the systems of separation of the warhead, it is necessary to consider their schematic diagrams, on the basis of which the choice of scheme for a prospective missile and the design of the mechanism of separation of the warhead. Based on the analysis and calculations, fast detachable devices were used as fasteners of the warhead: burst bolts having a sealed axial channel filled with pyrotechnic composition with a lighter. Of the possible three groups of separation mechanisms are selected pushing mechanisms that act on the warhead and the hull forces in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the rocket. As a pusher, the compartment used a spring pusher. Based on the calculations, we can say that the system compartment warhead can provide its secure attachment to the rocket body with the help of burst bolts. These mounting mechanisms are compact, small in weight, safe to operate and have a simple construction. As a mechanism of separation of the warhead can be selected by pushing the mechanisms of separation, namely - spring mechanisms, because they provide a reliable separation of the warhead and minimal disturbance of its movement in the separation process. As a result of the calculation of the mechanism of separation of the warhead, calculated the necessary and sufficient condition of the separation, its relative velocity after separation, found the necessary values of the force of pushing, providing reliable operation of the pushing mechanism. |
KEYWORDS Perspective, separation mechanism, warhead, necessary separation condition, rocket. |
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