Ye. Didenko, O. Stepanenko |
ABSTRACT One of the indicators of the effective use of artillery is the accuracy of the fire impact on the objects of enemy. The accuracy of the artillery is achieved by completing the implementation of all measures for the preparation of shooting and fire control. Main measures of ballistic preparation are to determine and take into account the summary deviation of the initial velocity. The existing procedure for determining the summary deviation of the initial velocity for the check (main) cannon of battery leads to accumulation of ballistic preparation errors. The supply of artillery units with means of determining the initial speed of the projectile is insufficient. Among the many known methods for measuring the initial velocity, not enough attention was paid to the methods of analyzing the processes that occur during a shot in the "charge-shell-barrel" system. Under the action of the pressure of the powder gases in the barrel channel and the forces of the interaction of the projectile with the barrel there are springy deformations in the radial direction. To measure springy deformations it is advisable to use strain gauge sensors. Monitoring of deformation in a radial direction by time can be used to determine the moment of passing a projectile past the strain gauge mounted on the outer surface of the barrel. In the case of springy deformations, the initial resistance of the sensor varies in proportion to its value. The speed of the shell (mine) in the barrel can be determined by time between pulses of signals obtained from strain gauges located at a known distance from each other. The simplicity of the proposed method for measuring the initial velocity of an artillery shell provides an opportunity for equipping each cannon (mortar) with autonomous means for measuring the initial velocity. With the simultaneous puting into action of automatic control systems can be automatically taking into account the measurement results. This will change the existing procedure for determining the total deviation of the initial velocity and improve the accuracy, timeliness and suddenness of the opening of artillery fire, which are components of its efficiency. |
KEYWORDS Shot, springy deformation of barrel, strain gauge sensor, initial velocity, artillery ballistic station, shell, mine. |
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