А. Lisiy, M. Kozkov |
ABSTRACT In the article “About an alternative option for calculating automobile springs”, a slightly different method of calculating automobile springs is proposed, which differs from the generally accepted one, the essence of which is that the spring is not considered as a beam with two supports, loaded with force in the middle, but as two jointly working cantilever beams , pinched at the installation sites of the step-ladders, with which the spring is attached to the bridge of the car. The calculation is also carried out according to well-known formulas of material resistance and the same beam strength is achieved in the contact sections of the spring sheets due to the sequential reduction of the length of the sheets from the root to the last. According to the authors, consideration of the spring as two jointly working beams allows you to more accurately determine the force factors acting both on the spring as a whole and on the contact points of two adjacent sheets. The proposed method is based on the fact that the segment of the spring between the stepladders is not involved in the perception of external loads acting on the spring. |
KEY WORDS Car, springs. calculation methods. |
FULL TEXT: PDF (українська) |
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