O. Semenenko, M. Sliusarenko, O. Korkin, Yu. Dobrovolsky, O. Zaritsky |
ABSTRACT Today, all samples of modern weapons and military equipment (OVT) have high requirements for readiness for combat use, reliable operation during combat. Due to the continuous improvement of the OVT troops and the enhancement of their combat capabilities, much attention is paid to the reliability of these samples, since failure to perform them due to the failure of the OVT can lead to serious consequences in the operation (combat). Therefore, for a more realistic description of the level of failure of a renewable and non-renewable sample of military equipment, it is necessary to select and substantiate a more adequate variant of the mathematical model, which will take into account the influence of most factors influencing the sample of technology. To describe the processes of equipment failure, under the assumptions defined in the article, it is proposed to use mathematical models of the type of queuing systems; This graph shows all possible transitions of this sample from one state to another, taking into account the specified operating conditions. The authors propose that, unlike what is actually observed in the military, the value of the probability of failure- free operation of a renewable sample should be presented as a non-renewable sample of weapons and military equipment. This is not the case with the definition of a non-renewable (not repaired) specimen, when this determination is no longer related to the type of specimen, its components (they can be repaired), not to the repair, but to the specific purpose of military equipment. Therefore, if during the combat work of a sample of equipment his failure occurred, then given the final and long enough recovery time after failure occurs, he is considered unable to perform the combat task. The main conclusion of the article is that, given the importance of military equipment, it is advisable to set them as a non-renewable sample of weapons and military equipment when substantiating the reliability of the design at the design stage. It can then be hoped that during the operation of the sample in the troops, the values of these indicators will be no worse than those recorded on the form, when weapons and military equipment are considered as a renewable sample. |
KEYWORDS Renewable and non-renewable sample of technology, differential equations, probability of failure-free operation, state graph, mathematical model, failure-rate indices. |
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