O. Maistrenko, M. Petrushenko, S. Nikul, Y. Sinilo |
ABSTRACT The article analyzes the possible risks that can arise when firing artillery and rocket launches. The disadvantages of the method of calculating the protection zones are identified, which taking into account will reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of abnormal situations, which can lead to tragic consequences and damage to objects adjacent to the boundary of the testing ground. Additions to the procedure for determining the protection zones of the test site in the interests of RVIA are proposed and the specified, correct sizes of these zones are provided. Development of rocket troops and artillery (RTaA) of the Armed Forces (AF) of Ukraine is impossible without a permanent improvement and modernisation of types of armament and ammunition to them, development of the new artillery systems and their ground tests. During realization of ground tests of types of armament and military technique (WME) of RTaA firing of artillery and starting of rockets is accompanied by errors or wrong acts of WME attendant and personnel or extraneous persons, the consequences of that must be envisaged, and the risk of their origin is Analysis of the battle firing, including during realization of anti-terror operation and operation of the incorporated forces on east of Ukraine row of ground tests of standards of WME RTaA test if possibility of origin of nonpermanent near-accidents during application of armament of RtaA as a result of rejection of trajectory of flight of projectile (mines) by the direction and distance from the expected targets. Mostly it happens through untaking into account of maximal rejections of meteorological and ballistic terms of firing from tabular or errors in calculations, wrong acquisition of charge, error at aiming of fighting machines, cannons, mortars. There for practice of the battle firing needs taking into account of these errors, that will give an opportunity consider ably to promo test rength security at application of armament of RAaT during testing of standards of WME. Thus, in the article certainly and possible risks that can arise up during realization of firing of artillery and starting of rockets are analysed, related to the lacks of existent methodology of realization of calculations in relation to providing of safety measures during the tests of WME RtaA. Suggestions are brought in, in relation to the improvement of methodology of realization of calculations of sizes of protective zones, that unlike existing more in detail take into account maximal deviations of terms of firing from tabular values. These suggestions for providing of safety measures it will be allowed to decrease probability of origin of situations, that can result in tragic consequences and to causing of damages to the objects that fit closely to the limits of training field. Anoffer adding to the order of determination of protective zones and given specified sizes of the sezones have an important practical value at determination of possibilities of grounds and providing of safety of testing and battle firing (starting) of RtaA. |
KEYWORDS Testing ground, risk, contingency, protective zone. |
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