O. Obukhov, S. Usenko |
ABSTRACT The subject of this article is the development of a method for determining the penetration capacity of ready-made elements of damage to a fragmentation and high-explosive warhead. The analysis of the existing methods of determining the penetration capacity of the damage elements indicates their inconsistency with the modern requirements for determining the power of means of destruction of combat parts of missiles, tactical and cruise missiles and aircraft bombs. Existing techniques that were proposed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries are based on the systematization of empirical research and are outdated and have a limited range of applications. Since they do not take into account the zone of contact interacting between the element of the impact and the obstacle and the critical angle of approach, which will determine the ricochet conditions. The article presents the results of the calculated determination of the penetration capacity of the ready-made damage element, taking into account the contact surface of the interaction of the damage element with the obstacle, which are obtained as a result of the calculation modelling in the Ansys Autodyn software complex. Ways to determine the penetration capacity of ready-made destruction elements of fragmentation and high-explosive warhead, taking into account their true geometric shape and excess kinetic energy are proposed in the article. The proposed technique can be used to create the penetration nomograms of the elements of the lesion. The application of computational modeling of the determination of nonograms of penetration ability will allow to abandon a large number of experimental studies with real undermining of the warhead, thereby reducing the cost and speeding up the process of creating, refining and adopting the newest samples of defeat equipment. |
KEYWORDS Ready-made destruction elements, destruction, excess kinetic energy, interaction of solid objects, fragmentary high-explosive warhead |
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