V. Chepkyi,V. Skachkov, O. Yefymchykov, V. Nabok, O. Sergeev, O. Yelchaninov |
ABSTRACT In the article, the authors conduct research on the problem of stabilization of dynamic parameters of an adaptive information-control system of a ground-based robotic complex in disturbed environment. The research concept is based on the latest trends in the development of third-generation robotics objects; on the definition of the robotic complex, as an autonomous substrate means of reproducing physical functions and automating the intellectual activity of a person in the process of active interaction of the component structures of the robotic complex with the environment; on the technology of integrating the ground-based robotic complex into the system of the highest level of hierarchy, in particular, in the system of providing or performing special tasks in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The methodological preamble of the stated problems is being updated, the description of which occurs in relation to the model of substrate modification of the spatially distributed structure of the ground-based robotic complex. The purpose of the study is related to the application of methodological description to the problem of stabilization of the dynamic parameters of the adaptive control system of the mobile substrate structure of a ground-based robotics complex in a disturbed environment. Consequences of the presented description were announced, according to which stability is given priority as an integral-substrate property, which combines various types of stability of mobile spatially distributed structures of the ground robotic complex in time, and also characterizes their general structural and functional organization throughout operating time. The existence of the potential stability of the substrate structures of the ground-based robotic complex in cases of their resistance to the negative influence of external disturbances in time is confirmed. The absence of an inverse relationship was noted, that is, the component structures of the ground-based robotic complex that are resistant to external factors will not necessarily be stable. The target result was obtained in the context of the general scientific paradigm and can serve as an application for the concept of ensuring the effective functioning of mobile spatially distributed structures of the ground-based robotic complex in the integrated project "object-system". |
KEYWORDS Mobile structure, adaptive control, ground-based robotic complex, stability, sustainability, negentropy, a priori-informational model, posterior-functional model, information-control system, substrate modification, contextual approach. |
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