О. Кravchuk, V. Symonenkov, I. Symonenkova, O. Hryhorev
Today, more than forty countries of the world are engaged in the development of military-purpose robots. Several unique mobile robots with a wide range of capabilities are already being used by combat and intelligence units of the Armed forces of the developed world countries to conduct battlefield intelligence and support tactical groups.
At present, the issue of using the latest information technology in the field of military robotics is thoroughly investigated, and the creation of highly effective information management systems in the land-mobile robotic complexes has acquired a new phrase associated with the use of distributed information and sensory systems and consists in the transition from application of separate sensors and devices to the construction of modular information subsystems, which provide the availability of various data sources and complex methods of information processing.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the ways to increase the autonomy of the land-mobile robotic complexes using in non-deterministic conditions of modern combat. The relevance of researches is connected with the necessity of the creation of highly effective information and control systems in the perspective robotic means for the needs of the Land Forces of Ukraine.
The development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine management system based on the criteria adopted by the EU and NATO member states is one of the main directions of increasing the effectiveness of the use of forces (forces), which involves achieving the principles and standards necessary for Ukraine to become a member of the EU and NATO. The inherent features of achieving these criteria will be the transition to a reduction of tasks of the combined arms units and the large-scale use of high-precision weapons and land remote-controlled robotic devices.
According to the views of the leading specialists in the field of robotics, the automation of information subsystems and components of the land-mobile robotic complexes can increase safety, reliability, error-tolerance and the effectiveness of the use of robotic means by standardizing the necessary actions with minimal human intervention, that is, a significant increase in the autonomy of the land-mobile robotic complexes for the needs of Land Forces of Ukraine.
Noninteraction, man-machine interface, land-mobile robotic complex, land-mobile robotic platform, mobot.
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