№ 2 (20) – 2023
S. Nikul, PhD in Technical Sciences, Assosiate Professor |
A. Derevianchuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor |
O. Kravchuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher Scientist |
D. Maksymchuk |
Yu. Sinilo |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Нікул С. О., Дерев'янчук А. Й., Кравчук О. І., Максимчук Д. С., Сініло Ю. Г. Впровадження концепції "Predictive maintenance" для збільшення надійності та передбачуваності ремонтних робіт. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 2 (20). С. 51-55. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.20.51-55
This research article discusses the importance of implementing the Predictive Maintenance concept in the context of rocket and artillery weapons to improve the reliability and predictability of repair work. The article discusses key aspects of this concept, including its basic principles and methods, including the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence. The authors analyze the benefits of Predictive Maintenance in the military context, pointing to reduced repair costs, increased availability of military equipment, and extended equipment life. In addition, the article examines the challenges that arise when implementing this concept and provides recommendations on how to overcome them. Modern military equipment requires a high level of reliability and combat readiness. The introduction of the Predictive Maintenance concept is becoming extremely important to ensure the efficiency and safety of military equipment. This research article is devoted to the study and discussion of the possibilities of implementing Predictive Maintenance in the context of rocket and artillery weapons in order to increase the reliability and predictability of repair work.
In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of implementing Predictive Maintenance as a strategic tool to ensure optimal performance and readiness of missile and artillery weapons in the modern military environment.
Implementation, concept, Predictive Maintenance, reliability, predictability, repair work, data analytics, artificial intelligence, monitoring systems, machine learning algorithms, sensors, failure prediction, planning, efficiency, readiness, rocket and artillery weapons. |
List of bibliographic references
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