№ 2 (20) – 2023
O. Humenyuk |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Гуменюк О. В. Аналіз процесу трансформації технічного стану зразка військової техніки для підрозділів Збройних Сил України на протязі його життєвого циклу. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 2 (20). С. 26-33. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.20.26-33
The analysis of the existing methods of determining the effectiveness of the maintenance and repair system of new and newest types of weapons and military equipment entering service in the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine showed that each of the existing approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. The article considers the application of adequate models for determining changes in the technical condition indicator in the form of a normalized residual resource of samples of weapons and military equipment.The proposed method of extrapolation makes it possible to determine the trend of changes in the technical condition of samples of military equipment of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or its development by the time of operation. This approach to modeling the processes of changes in the technical state of samples of weapons and military equipment contributes to the quantitative analysis and forecast of the dynamics of changes over time in their important parameters, namely, the characteristics of quality, condition and prospects for updating their fleet.The use of the proposed methods of assessing changes in the technical condition of a sample of weapons and military equipment during its operation will allow timely forecasting of the process of development of changes in the technical condition of a sample of weapons and military equipment and will allow to increase the readiness of samples of weapons and military equipment to perform tasks as intended. at a given level of reliability of these samples.The presented proposed method makes it possible to determine the moment in time at which the indicator of the technical condition of a sample of weapons and military equipment reaches a given or critical level and is a real step in the research of issues of quantitative determination of the level of the indicator of the residual normalized resource of new and newest samples of weapons and military equipment and in solving the task high-quality (sustainable) between-repair functioning of such samples.
sample of military equipment, technical condition, indicator of technical condition, residual normalized resource, model. extrapolation method, trend assessment.
List of bibliographic references
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