№ 1 (17) – 2022
V. Chepkii, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
V. Skachkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor |
O. Yefymchykov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
V. Nabok, Candidate of Military Sciences, Senior Researcher Scientist |
A. Honcharuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist |
O. Yelchaninov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Cite in the List of bibliogrsphic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Чепкій В. В., Скачков В. В., Єфимчиков О. М., Набок В. К., Гончару А. А., Єльчанінов О. Д. Парадигма модернізації IT-інфраструктури інформаційного освітнього середовища вищого вйськового навчального закладу на принципах хмарних обсичлень та технології віртуалізації. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. Вип. 1(17). С. 187-203. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.17.187-203
Based on the priority of information and educational environment (IEE) in the system of military professional training, the paradigm of modernization of IT-infrastructure in the realities of cloud computing and virtualization technology is stated. The idea is positioned with the target result of the subject of research at the strategic and operational levels. The latter define the network ontology of the increasing needs for information services, the conditions for pedagogical management, as well as daily and convenient access to the pool of computing resources in the external and internal stages of the organization of the IEE. On the criterion of the target result is disclosed a basic configuration of the operating system, the services module which is based on a SOA model. In the context of SOA materialization, an information-management core was formed that organizes the connection between the Web-Portal and local applications through Web-Services. A complex model of cloud Іt-infrastructure has been developed for such aspect. The hierarchical two-stage design of this model is represented at the physical level by the hardware to provide cloud services, and at the abstract level by physically deployed software.. The information component of the complex model is presented at the basic (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and subsidiary (DaaS, MaaS, DbaaS, SECaaS) levels of cloud services, which correspond to the public, private and hybrid categories of cloud deployment. Load balancing of IEE cloud IT-infrastructure is performed by a system of virtual machines (VMs) that are deployed on the host-computer. Schematic implementation of the complex model is presented in the sketch. According to this sketch, the cloud IT-infrastructure of the military university's IEE is hosted on host-machines that form three physical nodes of the corporate network with domain names.
information and educational environment, IT-Infrastructure, virtualization, cloud computing, structured components, virtual machine, hypervisor, complex model.
List of bibliographic references
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