№ 1 (17) – 2022
L. Petrov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Yu. Petrik |
I. Kishyanus |
T. Borisenko |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Петров Л. М., Петрик Ю. М., Кішянус І. В., Борисенко Т. М. Невиявлені теоретичні можливості подолання опору кочення колісного рушія військовим автомобілем. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. Вип. 1(17). С. 155-159. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.17.155-159
The purpose of the study is to improve the technological scheme of the internal load of the wheel drive of the car when it is loaded with additional peripheral torque, the transformation of the energy supplied to the technological wheel of the wheel drive into a rotational movement controlled relative to the hub with the addition of the rotational movement of the car wheel to the rotational movement of the technological wheel of the car, which is an auxiliary factor to innovative technology of its movement.
The scientific and practical direction of the work consists in the fact that for the first time the considered technology in which, during the rotation of the wheel drive, it is loaded with an additional peripheral torque, the law of change of mechanical energy is applied, and this makes it more expedient to approach the consideration of the influence of the peripheral torque on increasing the angular speed of the wheel drive .
The research methodology was to establish a mathematical relationship between the rolling speed of the wheel drive and the peripheral torque. The result of the study is the identification of the undiscovered possibilities of the working process of the wheel drive when it is loaded with a peripheral torque and thereby create prospects for increasing the efficiency of the wheel drive.
When revealing the concept of the undisclosed load possibilities of the wheel drive, the theorem of the increase of the vector of the kinetic moment of the system with respect to the fixed center for a finite time is equal to the momentum of the moments of external forces with respect to the same center for the same timе, which mathematically confirms the influence of the peripheral moment on the improvement of the quality of the work process, which is created by the wheel drive in certain conditions of operation of the car.
physical-mathematical model, force, reaction, wheel, moment, wheel drive.
List of bibliographic references
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