№ 1 (17) – 2022
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L. Petrov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
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Yu. Petrik | |
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V. Nikishyn | |
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I. Kishyanus | |
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N. Maslich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor | |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)Петров Л. М., Петрик Ю. М., Нікішин В. А., Кішянус І. В., Масліч Н. Я. Елементи теорії подалання рухливої перешкоди військовим автомобілем. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. Вип. 1(17). С. 149-154. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.17.149-154 |
Аbstract |
The working process of the car is accompanied by the loading of the wheel drive by gravitational force, which leads to compression and stretching of the tire during its deformation, as well as hitting various obstacles and moving through them. The article considers the study of the mechanical system "car" using the theorem on the change of kinetic energy of this system, the general equation of dynamics.
The aim of the study is to improve the technological scheme of loading the wheel drive when moving the movable support, converting the energy supplied to the wheel drive into controlled relative to the obstacle movement with the addition of traction of the car with transmission force, which is an auxiliary factor to innovative technology.
The scientific and practical direction of work is that for the first time the technology is considered in which the law of change of mechanical energy is applied when rotating the wheel drive on a moving obstacle, and this allows a more appropriate approach to the implementation of torque on the wheel drive.
The methodology of the study was to establish a mathematical relationship between the speed of the car wheel from the moving obstacle and the parameter of the obstacle it creates, as well as the dynamic mobility of the car itself.
The result of the study is the development of elements of the theory of overcoming a moving obstacle that works with "physical discomfort of the support surface." In disclosing the concept of "physical discomfort of the support surface" differential equations were used, which mathematically confirm the overcoming of such an obstacle and such a support surface in certain operating conditions of the car.
The value of the study, the results of this work will contribute to the automotive industry.
The proposed car model is suitable for use in order to increase the ability to overcome obstacles by vehicles.
Кeywords |
physical-mathematical model, force, reaction, wheel, moving obstacle.
List of bibliographic references |
References |