№ 1 (17) – 2022
V. Kotsyruba, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor |
V. Dachkovsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Коцюруба В. І., Дачковський В. О. Методика обгрунтуваннятактико-технічних вимог до засобів технічної розвідки. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. Вип. 1(17). С. 37-47. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.17.37-47
On the basis of the analysis of logistics functions, the measures that are its technical component are separated. It has been established that technical intelligence is one of the most important measures for the restoration of malfunctioning (damaged) samples of weapons and military equipment. The set of tasks that are solved during the conduct of technical intelligence is disclosed and problematic issues in the practice of restoring weapons and military equipment are formulated. The analysis of the latest research and publications allowed us to come to the conclusion that the problematic issues raised in the theory and practice of restoring weapons and military equipment have been considered, and therefore not fully resolved. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to highlight the developed methodology for substantiating the tactical and technical requirements for the means involved in conducting technical intelligence. A structural and logical diagram of the process of forming tactical and technical requirements for technical intelligence tools has been developed. At the same time, it is proposed to take into account a number of restrictions on the design, development and serial production of promising technical intelligence tools. Among the main restrictions on the development of technical intelligence means, first of all, financial costs should be included. The creation of unified means of technical intelligence at a low cost of their production is one of the directions for improving the efficiency of the system of restoring weapons and military equipment. The developed technique is based on the use of a set of probability indicators. As a direction of further research, the practical implementation of the developed methodology by calculating and substantiating the tactical and technical requirements for means of logistical support, namely means for conducting technical intelligence, storing and transporting material means, has been determined.
justification of requirements, tactical and technical requirements, weapons and military equipment, means of technical intelligence.
List of bibliographic references
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