№ 1 (17) – 2022
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O. Budur |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)Будур О. М. Методи вимірювання тиску порохових газів. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. Вип. 1(17). С. 30-36. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.17.30-36 |
Аbstract |
The article analyzes possible methods for measuring the pressure of powder gases.
The phenomenon of a shot is very complex. Many components of the processes themselves are very complex, interconnected one with the other and strongly depend on the scheme of the device and the design of the weapon, the powder charge and the projectile, on the properties of the gunpowder and on the state of the atmosphere in which the projectile moves. In addition, most of the processes of the phenomenon of a shot occur in very short periods of time and are characterized by high values of physical parameters: speed, pressure, temperature. The complexity and intensity of the phenomenon of a shot do not allow us to study it in full. Therefore, in ballistics they confine themselves to studying the basic regularities of the phenomenon of a shot, on which the movement of a projectile depends very much. This study, necessary for artillery practice, is carried out by theoretical and experimental methods.
The parameters of the state of powder gases, as well as a number of parameters of most firing processes that are not directly measured, have to be determined indirectly, primarily from the results of measuring the pressure of powder gases. For this, various laws and relations established on the basis of theoretical and experimental research are usually used, which connect the desired quantities with the pressure of powder gases.
Static pressure measurement methods are based on the principle of converting pressure values into strain values or other physical quantities associated with it. Dynamic pressure measurement methods are based on the principle of converting pressure values into kinematic elements of motion: acceleration, speed or path as a function of time.
Кeywords |
pressure, static pressure measurement methods, dynamic pressure measurement methods, tensometric method, piezoelectric method, plastic deformation method, spring deformation method.
List of bibliographic references |
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