№ 2 (18) – 2022
V. Bachynskyi, PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher Scientist
O. Shkurpit
S. Chvanov
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Бачинський В. В., Шкурпіт О. М., Чванов С. Ю. Технологія створення елементів безпілотних літальних апаратів за адитивними технологіями. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2022. № 2 (18). С. 90–96. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2022.18.90-96
The article describes the technology of building elements of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) based on the use of additive technologies (AT). AT opened a fundamentally new direction in the concept of UAV manufacturing, which makes it possible to obtain a final product of a given shape and size based on a digital prototype. The modern equipment used in JSC is constantly being improved and allows for high printing speeds to increase the quality of the product at relatively low costs. The use of AT makes it possible to significantly reduce the weight of UAV elements due to the reduction of material costs. The article examines the technological process of 3D printing of UAV elements and the technological scheme of materials selection for the manufacture of UAV elements.
In the course of the conducted research, a number of problems related to the need to improve the process of 3D printing of complex elements of UAVs, in order to effectively use the latest additive 3D printing technologies in modern production in combat conditions, were identified. The results of test printing, plastic tests and calculations made it possible to develop a general methodology for the production of UAV elements using additive technologies.
The introduction of additive technologies for the production of UAV elements in the field will contribute to solving a wide range of combat tasks. It has been established that the use of additive technologies will entail the adjustment of UAV design principles, the development of printing technologies, the use of new construction strategies, the emergence of new technologies related to 3D printing. The analysis of quality control mechanisms for the development of UAV elements shows that the technological scheme for the selection of composite material is an important element in the 3D printing of modern UAVs and their components.
It was determined that with the improvement of technological equipment and the development of methods of material selection for the manufacture of UAV elements, the direction of creating new UAVs with the help of AT will steadily expand.
additive technologies, UAV, 3D printing, technology, structure.
List of bibliographic references
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