A 3-D model of corner reflectors of various types and sizes was built on the basis of the analysis of the results of mathematical modeling using the CST Studio automatic decision-making system. As a result of the simulation, the numerical values of the parameters of the effective scattering area were determined, which made it possible to clarify the dependence of the relative change of the effective scattering area of corner reflectors on the shape of the rib, to confirm the hypothesis regarding the quadratic dependence of the effective scattering area on the radiation frequencies.
A comparison was made with the results of calculations based on known analytical formulas, which were determined empirically to calculate the maximum effective scattering area for corner reflectors of typical configurations. For a more in-depth analysis of the simulation results, a conventional cross-section of the scattering diagram and its expansion relative to different angles of rotation were performed. A comparative analysis of the modeling results allowed us to conclude that for different observation angles, the effective scattering area of a small-angle reflector corresponds on average to the effective scattering area of a Mi-8T helicopter. It was also established that the most appropriate for simulating fighter jets are large corner reflectors with a rib size of 120 cm. At the same time, the weight of the corner reflector needs to be significantly reduced, which becomes possible when using light materials, such as foam plastic, which is pasted over with foil of the appropriate thickness. Electrodynamics’ modeling was confirmed by an experiment in an anechoic chamber. Experiments on changing the parameters of the effective scattering area of corner reflectors depending on a number of controlled factors have been chosen as the direction of further research.
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