№ 1 (19) – 2023
S. Hatsenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences |
S. Mordvinov |
M. Adamenko, Candidate of Military Sciences |
V. Heorhiiev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor |
О. Pechorin, Candidate of Military Sciences |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Гаценко С. С., Мордвінов С. Л., Адаменко М. В., Георгієв В. М., Печорін О. М. Повітрянодесантна підготовка особового складу. Аспекти аналізу розвитку та їх закономірності. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 179-188. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.179-188
Reorganization measures in the armed forces of Ukraine led to a reduction in airborne service specialists, but there is currently no talk of a reduction in actual issues of airborne training (AP) in units and military units. On the contrary, these measures once again emphasized and exacerbated the need to immediately solve a number of problems in this area. An effective and fairly established system of airborne training has unanimously become obsolete. It works reliably, but the circumstances that have developed in the period after the events of 2014 until now and the requirements that have arisen to the training system, finally discovered that the existing system does not satisfy the new views on the modern structure of airborne support and the use of airborne troops in particular. The war of 2022 emphasized the importance of comprehensive training of intelligence units, military units of the Airborne Assault Forces (ASF), Special Operations Forces (SSO), Marines (MP) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: all those who proved during the eight months of Russian-Ukrainian open aggression their efficiency is practical. The PDP program from the beginning of its creation and partial modernization constantly bore signs of preparation for the classic use of mass airborne assaults developed during the years of the Soviet Union's existence, but the practical combat actions of both sides of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict so far indicate the fallacy of the indicated direction. In the article, a review of the patterns of changes in the conditions and means of using parachutes for the development of the educational, methodological and material base over time is carried out. The consequences of untimely consideration of a number of issues regarding new approaches to airborne personnel training in the future are analyzed.
airborne training, instruction, training base, airborne support.
List of bibliographic references
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