№ 1 (19) – 2023
V. Olekhnovych |
I. Chaikin |
M. Oleniev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
I. Mikriukov |
L. Hamanyuk |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Олехнович В. Д., Чайкін І. В., Оленєв М. В., Мікрюков І. С., Гаманюк Л. О. Підсумки та перспективи підвищення харчової цінності пайків для військовослужбовців підрозділів, що ведуть автономні бойові дії. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 172-178. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.172-178
The article considers the results and prospects of increasing the nutritional value of rations for servicemen of units conducting autonomous combat operations. As an example, the intelligence unit of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (SV AFU) is considered. An analysis of improving the quality of rations due to the introduction of modern production technologies, such as microwave (ultra-high-frequency) processing and sublimation, was carried out. The main advantages of microwave processing are determined: the preservation of more nutrients, high processing speed, more uniform heating, economic energy consumption, a wide range of applications. The main advantages of sublimation have been determined: the preservation of the high quality of the product, natural aroma, taste, chemical structure, increase in shelf life, the stability of the process, which allows to ensure the same quality, and the quantity of the product in each batch, the maximum possible reduction in the mass of the finished product. The obtained research results indicate that the selectivity of microwave heating of microorganisms in a non-resonant chamber allows to reduce the exposure time of the product when it is processed in a uniform electromagnetic field by 4-5 times.
It is noted that rational nutrition is an important factor in preserving and maintaining the health of military personnel, as well as maintaining their high combat capability. In order to increase the nutritional standards of servicemen of the units of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and provide them with high-quality food products enriched with vitamins and minerals, a commodity analysis of dry food rations used in Italy, Spain, Lithuania and Poland was carried out. It is proposed to improve the set of food products to the complex of combat equipment of a soldier, to which are attached: tablets for water disinfection (based on 1 liter per meal); a set of dry products with a high iodine content (for example, "kelp"); a set of dry products, dry products with a high protein composition (for example, "dried banana").
ration, quality, nutritional value, microwave processing, sublimation, dry products.
List of bibliographic references
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