№ 1 (19) – 2023
S. Litvinovsky, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor |
S. Popov, Doctor of Public Administration, Professor |
S. Polyashov |
S. Babyk, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor |
V. Nahorniuk, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Литвиновський С. А., Попов С. А., Поляшов С. В., Бабюк С. Н., Нагорнюк В. Ф. Планування тилового забезпечення військових частин (підрозділів) при підготовки і ведення бойових дій за стандартними операційними процедурами НАТО. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 161-171. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.161-171
The article provides a variant of the order and content of the work of the rear management bodies for planning the rear support of military bases (sundivisions) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the preparation and conduct of hostilities according to NATO standard operating procedures and their further use in the practical activities of the rear management bodies of military bases (sundivisions) and making changes and additions to the Temporary Combat Statute of the mechanized troops of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Part 1 (Brigade) of the Provisional Combat Statute of the Tank Troops of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Part 1 (Brigade), of the Combat Statute "Logistics of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", of the Combat Statute "Logistics Operations of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", methodological (training) manuals and methodological recommendations of the Rear of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The materials of this article should be used by officers of the rear of the tactical chain of command during individual training of officers, collective training of headquarters, sundivisions, and the military base as a whole in the system of combat training (during combat recovery activities) with the aim of increasing individual, combat (special) capabilities military bases (sundivisions) regarding joint performance of tasks with military bases (sundivisions) of NATO member states and the gradual transition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to NATO standards.
The procedure and content of the work of the rear management bodies for planning the rear supply of a military base (sundivision) during the preparation and conduct of hostilities according to NATO standard operating procedures, developed on the basis of three guiding documents: the Temporary Combat Statute of the Mechanized Troops of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Part 1 (Brigade); Combat charter "Logistics of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" of the tactical publication Procedure "Works of the commander and staff of the tactical control unit for battle planning (combat operations) according to NATO standard operating procedures".
military decision-making process; planning of rear (rear services) support; mode of operation, methods of operation, rear control bodies; rear command post; rear supply plan.
List of bibliographic references
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