№ 1 (19) – 2023
V. Bachynskyi, PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher Scientist |
O. Shkurpit |
M. Pesterev |
V. Oleniev, Candidate of Military Sciences, Professor |
Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)
Бачинський В. В., Шкурпіт О. М., Пестерев М. В., Оленєв В. М. Підвищення живучості безпілотних літальних апаратів за рахунок використання адитивних технологій. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2023. № 1 (19). С. 74-79. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2023.19.74-79
The article presents a method of increasing the survivability of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) due to additive technologies (AT). The use of AT, namely 3D printing for the repair and printing of spare parts of UAVs during hostilities will significantly increase their survivability. It was determined that with the improvement of technological equipment and the development of methods of material selection for the manufacture of UAV elements, the direction of creating new UAVs with the help of AT will steadily expand.
ATs provide an opportunity to obtain UAV elements of a certain shape and required size, even in field conditions, which significantly affects the survivability of UAVs. The use of AT makes it possible to significantly reduce the time for the recovery of UAV elements, as well as to reduce material costs. The cost of a printed plastic drone is much lower than similar models made of foam or carbon. In addition, thanks to such a body material and small dimensions, such a UAV will be inconspicuous for enemy radars. Another advantage of the technology is fast production.Russia's invasion of Ukraine revealed a number of problems related to the need to increase the survivability of UAVs and the need to use additive 3D printing technologies in combat conditions. The results of test printing, plastic tests and calculations made it possible to increase the survivability of UAVs whose components are manufactured using additive technologies.
UAVs must have qualities that ensure their survivability and, above all, such qualities that would allow them to withstand the impact of enemy strikes. Such qualities are protection, combat resistance and reparability. Stability of operation of control systems, structural strength of UAVs, operational efficiency of UAVs will ensure that they perform a full range of tasks in accordance with their purpose. The use of AT contributes to the increase in the effectiveness of the combat use of UAVs by 1.5-2 times in connection with the reduction of the time for carrying out restoration and repair work. These calculations are confirmed by the practical experience of using AT during test and experimental flights.
additive technologies, UAV, 3D printing, technology, structure.
List of bibiliographic references
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